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地址:北京清华大学 84-48信箱 大众知识服务
出版物经营许可证 新出发京批字第直0595号
京公网安备75号Quantized Feedback Stabilization of Nonlinear Cascaded Systems with Dynamic Uncertainties--《第26届中国控制与决策会议论文集》2014年
Quantized Feedback Stabilization of Nonlinear Cascaded Systems with Dynamic Uncertainties
【摘要】:This paper studies the quantized partial-state feedback stabilization of a class of nonlinear cascaded systems with dynamic uncertainties. Under the assumption that the dynamic uncertainties are input-to-state practically stable, we develop a novel recursive design method for quantized stabilization by taking into account the influence of quantization and using the small-gain theorem. When the dynamic uncertainty is input-to-state stable, asymptotic stabilization can be achieved with the proposed quantized control law.
1 INTRODUCTIONThe convergence of controls and communications moti-vates the study of quantized control.In a quantized con-trol system,the control signals and/or the measured outputsare processed by quantizers,which map the signals fromcontinuous spaces t
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地址:北京清华大学 84-48信箱 大众知识服务
出版物经营许可证 新出发京批字第直0595号
金融系杨招军副教授个人简介中南大学概率论与数理统计专业数理金融方向博士毕业;湖南大学国家重点学科“国际贸易学”学术带头人之一(2007.09—),湖南省优秀博士论文指导老师(2013),湖南大学科研标兵(2013);作为主持人在及2013年连续三次获得国家自然科学基金面上项目资助,主持完成国家社科基金面上项目一项;在《经济研究》、《中国管理科学》、《管理科学学报》、《金融研究》等杂志发表论文120余篇,最近五年(2012 年1月—2016年5月)在《International Review of Finance》、《Journal of Mathematical Economics》、《European Journal of Operational Research》、《Quantitative Finance》、《Annals of Economics and Finance》、《International Review of Economics and Finance》、《Economics Letters》等国际知名杂志与其学生合作发表学术论文23篇(其中SSCI源刊论文16篇)。学术兼职? 美国《数学评论》(Mathematical Reviews)评论员(2009.12—);? Journal of Business and Management(ISSN: )杂志编委,(2012.12—);? 《财经理论与实践》杂志编委(—);? 《金融》杂志编委(2010.12—)教育经历? 00.05,中南大学概率论与数理统计研究所,概率论与数理统计专业,数理金融方向,获理学博士学位;? 87.07,西北工业大学应用数学系,应用数学专业研究生班,统计滤波及其应用方向,1990年获理学硕士学位;? 85.07,湖南师范大学数学系,数学专业,获理学学士学位。工作经历? 2016.04至今, 南方科技大学金融系,副教授? 16.04,湖南大学工商管理学院,教授,管理科学与工程专业博士生导师,金融工程专业博士生导师? 15.12,湖南大学金融与统计学院,教授,金融工程专业博士生导师,金融工程系主任? 15.12,湖南大学金融与统计学院,教授,金融学专业博士生导师? 15.11,澳门大学数学系,访问学者? 14.08,美国哥伦比亚大学商学院,高级研究学者? 10.10,美国哥伦比亚大学商学院,高级研究学者? 07.07,中国科学院应用数学所,访问学者? 10.04,湖南大学经济与贸易学院,教授,数量经济学专业博士生导师? 06.07,英国利兹大学数学院与商学院,访问学者? 07.02,湖南大学数学与计量经济学院,教授? 03.04,湖南大学数学博士后流动站,博士后? 91.01,湖南省税务局,湖南税务管理系统软件开发人员? 89.01,湖南省财政厅,湖南省2000年财政规划计量经济建模专家? 02.08,湖南税务高等专科学校基础部,助教、讲师、副教授研究领域金融工程、金融理论,包括最优投资组合、资本资产定价、衍生证券定价、贷款担保、金融创新产品设计、资本结构、不确定性实物投资、金融风险管理、互联网金融和演化金融 / Financial Engineering and Finance theory, including optimal portfolio choice, capital asset pricing, pricing of derivative securities, loan guarantees, financial innovation, capital structure, real options, financial risk management, Internet finance and evolutionary finance.主讲课程金融建模与定价分析(financial modeling and asset pricing)、随机过程(stochastic calculus for finance)、金融经济学(financial economics)、金融衍生工具(financial derivative instruments)、金融工程(financial engineering)、动态规划与随机控制(dynamic programming and stochastic control)、资产定价和投资组合理论(asset pricing and portfolio choice theory)、公司金融(corporate finance)、数量金融(quantitative finance)、经济博弈论(game theory for applied economists)。在研项目[1] 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目():基于或有资本的新型信用担保体系与中小企业金融。起止时间:7.12。[2] 参与国家自然科学基金创新群体项目():金融创新与风险管理。起止时间:8.12。完成项目[1] 主持完成国家自然科学基金面上项目():或有可转换债券设计及定价理论研究。起止时间:5.12。(尚未评估)[2] 参与完成国家自然科学基金创新群体项目():金融创新与风险管理。起止时间:5.12。(获连续资助)[3] 主持完成国家自然科学基金面上项目():部分信息消费效用无差别定价和风险对冲研究。起止时间:2.12。(后评估“优”)[4] 主持完成教育部博士点基金课题(22):基于消费效用无差别定价的期权博弈理论研究。起止时间:3.12。[5] 主持完成湖南省教育厅2001年度科学研究项目(01B031:随机股价波动率下的期权定价与套期保值;[6] 主持完成湖南省财政厅资助项目和湖南大学自然科学基金重点项目:金融风险最小化策略及其应用;[7] 主持完成湖南省自然科学基金项目(04JJ3009):最优投资消费问题研究,综合评价“优秀”;[8] 主持完成国家社科基金项目(06BJL022):连续进化金融模型混合策略理论,鉴定等级“良好”;[9] 主持完成的湖南省国家税务局委托课题:纳税评估模型应用研究。
田文德,哈尔滨工业大学和荷兰代尔夫特理工大学联合培养博士,主要从事水污染控制技术及环境生物技术方面的研究。在环境科学与工程(水处理方向)领域,拥有十二年教学、科研、工程等方面的工作经历,主持深圳市科创委基础研究课题1项,参与完成国家水专项课题1项、荷兰技术基金会课题1项、哈工大重点实验室课题1项,参与完成市政污水处理厂升级改造项目10余项,在《Water Research》 、《Chemosphere》、《Bioresource Technology》、《Chemical Engineering Journal》等水环境领域国际权威期刊上发表SCI论文8篇,申请专利5项,担任多个SCI期刊审稿人,2015年入选深圳市海外高层次人才“孔雀计划”。 教育背景:3.07,哈尔滨工业大学,市政工程(给水排水工程)专业工学博士3.07,荷兰代尔夫特理工大学,环境生物技术专业工学博士(联合培养)7.07,哈尔滨工业大学,环境科学与工程专业,工学硕士4.07,吉林建筑工程学院(现吉林建筑大学),给水排水工程专业,工学学士 工作经历:2016.04-至今,南方科技大学,环境科学与工程学院,工程师6.04,中国市政工程西南设计研究总院有限公司,深圳分院,给排水工程师5.03,广东粤海控股有限公司,研发部,研发工程师4.07,深圳信息学院,交通与环境学院,教师/讲师3.07,吉林建筑工程学院(现吉林建筑大学),市政与环境工程学院,教师/讲师 获奖情况及荣誉:1. 2015:深圳市海外高层次人才“孔雀计划”C类入选者2. 2014:“李圭白专项基金”市政工程学科优秀工学博士论文奖 3. 2012:博士研究生国家奖学金(国家教育部、财政部) 4. 2007:哈尔滨工业大学优秀硕士毕业生 科研项目:1. 城市污水生物除磷系统中聚磷菌和聚糖菌的竞争机制研究 深圳市科创委基础研究项目
在研 负责人2. 聚磷菌和聚糖菌竞争机制与模型研究
主要执行人3. 小城镇水污染控制与治理共性关键技术研究与工程示范
主要执行人4. 市政污水中典型污染物高效降解方法和强化机制研究
主要执行人 代表性论文:1. Wen-De Tian*, Wei-Guang Li , Hui Zhang, Xiao-Rong Kang, Mark C.M. van Loosdrecht, 2011. Limited filamentous bulking in order to enhance nutrient removal and effluent quality. Water Research, 45(16),
2. Wen-De Tian, C.M. Lopez-Vazquez, W.-G. Li, D. Brdjanovic, and M.C.M. van Loosdrecht, 2013. Occurrence of PAOI in a low temperature EBPR system. Chemosphere, 92(10): 3. Yong Wang, Yunkai Sun, Weiguang Li, Wende Tian*, Angelidaki Irini, 2014. High performance of nanoscaled Fe2O3 catalyzing UV-Fenton under neutral condition with a low stoichiometry of H2O2: kinetic study and mechanism. Chemical Engineering Journal, 267:1-8.
4. Welles L., Tian W.D., Saad S., Abbas B., Lopez-Vazquez C.M.,Hooijmans C.M., van Loosdrecht M.C.M., D. Brdjanovica, 2015. Accumulibacter clades Type I and II performing kinetically different glycogen-accumulating organisms metabolisms for anaerobic substrate uptake. Water Research,83:354-366.
5. Wen-De Tian*, Kyoung-jin An, Cong Ma, Xiangkui Han, 2013. Partial nitritation of high ammonium leachate as pretreatment for subsequent anammox using hybrid sequencing batch reactor. Environmental Technology (United Kingdom), 34(8),.
6. Wen-De Tian*, Wei-Guang Li, Kyoung-Jin An, Cong Ma, Xiao-Rong Kang, Zhi-Lin Ran,2012. Denitrifying dephosphatation performance link to microbial community structure. Journal of Water Sustainability, 1(3), 269-278. 7. Cong Ma, Shuili Yu, Wenxin Shi, Wende Tian, Heijman S.G.J, Rietveld L.C., 2012. High concentration powdered activated carbon-membrane bioreactor (PAC-MBR) for slightly polluted surface water treatment at low temperature. Bioresource Technology, 113, 136-142 8. Lin, Y., Yin, J., Wang, J., Tian, W., 2012. Performance and microbial community in hybrid anaerobic baffled reactor-constructed wetland for nitrobenzene wastewater. Bioresource Technology, 118, 128-135
9. Xiao-Rong Kang, Guang-Ming Zhang,Lin Chen,Wen-Yi Dong, Wen-De Tian, 2011. Effect of Initial pH Adjustment on Hydrolysis and Acidification of Sludge by Ultrasonic Pretreatment. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 50,
会议论文:1. Wende Tian*, Kyoung-jin An and Zhiwei Li, 2010. Completely Autotrophic Nitrogen Removal for Treatment of High Ammonia Leachate. Advanced Materials Research,113-114, 662-665. 2. Wende Tian*, Weiguang Li, Hui Zhang, Zheng Yang, 2010. Affecting factors and control strategies of the competition of phosphorus accumulating organisms (PAO) and glycogen accumulating organisms (GAO) in enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) process. Proceedings of 2010 IEEE The 2nd Conference on Environmental Science and Information Application Technology, 626-628
3. Wang Bing, Han Hongjun, Tian Wende, Liu Shuo, Ma Wencheng, 2009. Study on Anaerobic Granular Sludge in Beer Waste Water Treatment. Proceedings 2009 IEEE 16th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management,
4. Kyoung-Jin An, Wen-De Tian and Liao Meng, 2008. Combined Partial Nitritation-Anammox Process For Treatment of High Ammonia Leachate. Perspectives of Energy and Resources Saving and Recovery in Wastewater Treatment. Proceedings of IWA-Croucher Foundation Advanced Study Institute (IWA-ASI) conference, 343-350 公开专利:1.
李伟光,田文德,王广智,张卉,邹锦林,2010。两级生物选择反硝化除磷脱氮污水处理装置及方法,专利号:0 3.
李春颖,李伟光,王广智,王科,田文德,李鑫,2010。改性壳聚糖铜配合物的制备方法及其应用,专利:.X 4.
李伟光,郭旋,田文德,张卉.聚硅酸镁盐复合絮凝剂,专利号:1 5.
李伟光,郭旋,田文德,张卉. 聚硅酸金属盐复合絮凝剂及其制备方法,专利号:1
崔曙光教授于1997年在北京邮电大学获得学士学位,2000年在加拿 大McMaster大学获得硕士学位,2005年在美国斯坦福大学获得博士学位, 现在美国Texas A&M大学电子与计算机工程系任正教授。他的科研方向主要包括面向大数据的网络信息处理、认知无线电系统的优化和设计、无线传感器网络和物联网的能耗优化、估计与检测系统的跨层设计和基于可再生能源的通信系统优化设计,已在国际一流期刊和会议上发表了逾百篇论文,其中有8篇期刊又章被引用次数在同期刊中排名前十位(其中1篇引用次数排名第 一 ,3篇引用次数排名第 二〉,曾获得国际 电气与 电子工程师学会CIEEE)信号处理协会2012
年 最佳论文奖。
他是IEEE通信 协会无线技术委员会 (WTC)秘书长, IEEE信号处理协会SPCOM技术委员会委员及其 工业/政府关系子委员会主席, 2013年当选为 IEEE Fellow。他曾担任IEEE
TSP、TWC、TVT、CL等国际期刊编委,并在2014年被任命为IEEE Transactions on BigData期刊的指导委员会(SC)委员,负责第一届主编的选定。他在通信与信号处理领域学术造诣深厚,根据Web of Science在的统计结果,相同时间段发表在相关期刊的前15篇最高被引论文中,11篇为崔教授所作(其中两篇排名第一)。崔曙光教授入 选汤森路透(Thomas Reuters)于2014年6月发布的全球“ 高引用科学家“(Highly Cited Researchers 2014 htto://highlvcited. com)名单。Education
Stanford University,
J. GoldsmithCumulative
4.0 McMaster University,
NSERC fellowship). Beijing University
of Posts and Telecom.
(BUPT), P. R. China
NG . RADIO ENGINEERINGCumulαtive GPA: 3.9Graduated
with the highest distinction
1st in the graduation class). Work ExperienceTexas A&M University,College Station, TX
2007 - PresentAssistant Professor (2007)+Associate Professor {2011)+Full Professor (2015):
Depart& ment
Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of Arizona, Tucson,
August 2005 - May 2007Assistant Professor:
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineeing National Semiconductor,
June - September 2003Summer Intern: System Design for IEEE 802.15.4 (ZigBee) ChipMentor: Dr. Ahmad Bahai Wireless Systems Lab, Stanford
September 2002 - June 2005System Administrat or: email, webmail, printing,computing, Samba,web hosting,andsecurity filtering, for a hybrid network composed of SUN Enterpris servers, SUN work& stations,and PCs.Mentor:
Co., Beijing, China
1997 - Au9ust
1998Technical Staff Nortel Co., Guangdong, China
1997 - September 1997Marketing Staff
Research InterestsIntegration of data analytics with Big data aware next-Signal processing and communication for Smart GCognitive wireless coLarge-scale data processing Multi-useCDesign synergy of system pr Research Funding (≈4M perso 7 active grants)l. NSF ECCS-1508051,Non-Ergodic Wireless Sensing: Fundamental Tradeoffs and Optimal Transmission S PI: Shuguang C 7/1//2018; $300,000; 100% ($300,000) for Shuguang Cui2.NSF AST-1547436, Blocker-Tolerant Wideband Cognitive Spectrum S Co-PI: Shuguang C 1/1//2018; $750,000; 25% ($187,500) for Shuguang Cui3.NSF CNS-1343155, Collaborative Research: EARS: Large-Scale
Statistical Learn& ing based Spectrum Sensing and Cognitive N Lead-PI: Shuguang C 1/1//2017; $983,947; 35% ($339,200) for Shuguang Cui4.NSF ECCS-1305979, Collaborative
Computation Framework for Networked Sensing and C Lead-PI: Shuguang C 7/1//0; 50% ($180,000) for Shuguang Cui5.NSF CNS-1265227, Cognitive Radio with 2-D Cognition: Dynamic Spectrum vs. Power A PI: Shuguang C 2/1//2016; $300,000; 100% ($300,000) for Shuguang Cui6.DoD HDRTAl-13-1-0029, Foundations for Network Resilience Against Cascading Failures: Modeling, Fundamental Limits and Robust Network A Co-PI: Shuguang C 1/8//2018; $1,250,000; 50% ($625,000) for Shuguang Cui7.National Instrument, Programmable
TPI: Shuguan C
2/11~2/13;$50,000; 33.3% ($16,666) for Shuguang Cui8.DoD HDTRAl-07-BRCWMD, Extended Study for Fundamental Performance Limits in Hybrid Networks under WMD A Co-PI: Shuguang C 03/15/11 03/14/13;$500,000; 50% ($375,000) for Shuguang Cui9.National Instrument, Exploration of
Smart Two-Way Relay Systems: From Theory to Prototyping with NI FlexRIO; PI: Shuguang C 2/llrv2/13; $100,000 (together with equipment donation of &$100,000 value); 50% ($100,000) for Shuguang Cui10.DoD AFOSR YIP-09, Exploration of an Opportunistic Overlaid Paradigm for Com& plex Networks via Stochastic G PI: Shuguang C 01/01/09 12/31/0; 100% ($300,000) for Shuguang Cui11.DoD HDTRA-08-10-BRCWMD, Extended Study for Modeling of Networks UnderAttack Based on Biological Wound Heali吨P
PI: Shuguang C 12/18/09
06/17/0; 100% ($350,000) for Shuguang
Cui12.NSF-CNS 0721935, NeTS八i\TN: Cross-Layer Optimizations and Adaptive Protocols for Opportunistic and Collaborative Cognitive Radio N
Co-PI: Shuguang C 9/1/07 8/31/10; $300,000; 50% ($150,000) for Shuguang Cui13.NSF-CCF 0726740, Biologically-Inspired Networking and Computation in Large& Scale Autonomous Sensor N PI: Shuguang C 10/1/07 9/30/10; $230,008; 100% ($230,008 ) for Shuguang Cui14.NSF-CNS 0627118, NeTS-ProWin: Resource Management and Distributed Protocols for Heterogeneous Cognitive-Radio N Co-PI: Shuguang C 9/1/06 8/31/08;$125,000; 50% ($62,500) for Shuguang Cui15.DoD HDTRAl-07-1-0037, Modeling of Networks Under Attacks Based on Biological Wound Healing P PI: Shuguang C 12/18/06 12/17/09; $456,587; 100% ($456,587) for Shuguang Cui16.DoD HDTRAl-08-1-0010, Fundamental Performance Limits in Hybrid Networks under WMD A Co-PI: Shuguang C 03/15/08 03/14/11; $750,000; 50% ($375,000) for Shuguang Cui17.Connection-One Industry Consortium (via Raytheon Co.), Resource Management and Distributed Protocols for Heterogeneous Cognitive Radio NCo-PI:Shuguang C 8/1/06~7/31/07; $60,000; 50% ($30,000) for Shuguang Cui
Honors and Awards2015:
as an IEEE
DistinguishedLecturer.2015: Elected as a TAMU TEES Fellow for excellence in research, teaching, and service. 2014: Elected to the list of Highly Cited Researchers
by Thomson Reuters,
one of the five in TAMU engineering history.2014:
Elected to the list of World ’s Most Influential Scientific Minds by ScienceWatch.2014: Texas A&M University ECE Outstanding Faculty Award.2014: Texas A&M University Engineering School Contribution Award.2013: Elevation to IEEE Fellow (within 8 years after Ph.D, one of the quickest in IEEE history).2013: The prestigious IEEE 2012 Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award.2005~Present:6 NSF6 DoD grant awards.2004~Present : Over 10,000 8 journal papers
10 most highly cited papers among the ones published over the same periods in the respective journals (one ranked first and three ranked second, according to data of 2/16/2014 for Web of Science).2011: TAMU TEES Select Young Faculty Fellow for outstanding research performance.2009 : The best paper award at the International Conference on Wireless Communications and
Signal Processing, Nanjing,China.2007: The best paper award at the Second International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications, Orlando, FL.:
Ph.D Research Fellowship from National
Semiconductor, USA.: NSERC Fellowship from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. (The highest honor for Canadian graduate students in science and engineering): The Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association (CWTA) Graduate Scholarship (National).2000:
Scholarship (Provincial).1998: Ashbaugh Scholarship from McMaster
(Institutional). 1997:
The prestigious
tit le of ”Excellent
in Beijing
Graduated with the highest distinction (ranked 1st in the class) from
BUPT.Others: Scholarships from SONY (twice), SAMSUNG, and Minister of Ministry of Posts and Telecom. of China (three times); The second prize for the National Electronics Design Contest of College Students of China (Beijing); The prestigious title of “Excellent Student&in
(twice, 150 out of 500,000)
郭浩中教授电子与电气工程系(杰出访问学者)Summary:More than 20 years experience in the field of III-V optical devices/materials (GaAs, InP, GaN) MOCVD both in industrial and academic area. Familiar with both Veeco and Aixtron Reactor (Production and RD)Solid State Lighting Process Development- high power GaN LED using Laser Lift- GaN VCSEL; High power AlGaInP metal bonded LED; Power enhancement of LED performance using ODR and nanotechnology. Flip chip LED and thin film package, PODFamiliar with fabrication and measurement of various high speed
DFB laser (DML 25Gb/s) VCSEL (25Gb/s-40Gb/s), PIN, APD device and ModuleIEEE JSTQE and Journal of Lightwave Technology Associate EditorMore than 300 papers (6611 total citations and an H-factor of 38) in peer-reviewed journalsIEEE Fellow 2015, OSA Fellow 2012, SPIE Fellow 2013, IET Fellow 2012 Education:Ph.D., UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHAMPAIGN-URBANADepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Dec. 1998, GPA: 4.0/4.0M.S., RUTGERS UNIVERSITY AT NEW BRUNSWICKDepartment of Electrical Engineering (Electronics), May 1995, GPA:4.0/4.0B.S., NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY, TAIPEIDepartment of Physics, May 1990, GPA: 3.5/4.0 Experience:08/2013- now, Distinguished Professor, National Chiao-Tung University, Hsin-Tsu, Taiwan, ROC
Associate Vice President, office of I Associate Director, Photonics Cbeter, NCTU02/3, Director, Technology development, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company TSMC, Hsin-Tsu, Taiwan, ( supervised 40+ Ph.D. and MS level Scientists and Engineers)In charge of one K465i and one Cirus II-XL Nitride based MOCVD for Green, Blue to UV LED.Development of
Flip Chip LED for high power LED application and Wafer level package. POD (CSP) package platformDevelopment micro-LED for RGB display (OLED replacement)Flexible LED for wearable electronicshigh speed
DFB laser (DML 25Gb/s) VCSEL (25Gb/s-40Gb/s), PIN, APD device and ModuleHigh Voltage GaN on Si HEMT (&600V) 08/1 Chairman & Director, Institute of Electro-optical Engineering, National Chiao-Tung University,08/9 Associate Dean-Office of International Affair, National Chiao-Tung University,08/2 Professor, National Chiao-Tung University, Hsin-Tsu, Taiwan, ROC08/7
Associate Professor, National Chiao-Tung University, Hsin-Tsu, Taiwan, ROCAssociate director-International Institute, EECS College, National Chiao-Tung University, TaiwanIndustrial Collaboration: OES/ITRI; ASTRI, G E Highlink, AUO, TSMC, SAS;International Collaboration: UIUC, RPI, HKUST, TIT, Lehigh, GIT, Yale,Research Funding : ~5 million US dollar Technical Advisor, Epistar Corporation, Hsin-Tsu, Taiwan, ROC Technical Advisor, ITRI, Hsin-Tsu, Taiwan, ROC 06/9 CTO and Visiting Professor, LED and Solar cell program, Nano and advanced material Institute, HKUST (30 Ph.D. and MS level Scientists and Engineers)12/0
Consultant and Visiting Professor, Hong Kong ASTRI06/5, Senior Manager and Visiting Professor, LED Epi and Device team Hong Kong ASTRIFabrication high power UV LED for Solid State Lighting-Wafer level package, micro-LED09/7 Advisor, ITRI, Hsin-Tsu, Taiwan, ROC Assistant Professor, National Chiao-Tung University, Hsin-Tsu, Taiwan, ROCSetup Veeco D75 Nitride based MOCVD for UV material and GaN based LED and VCSEL.Establish high speed VCSEL (850nm, 1300nm) measurement and process Lab
Engineer Manager (Epitaxy), LuxNet Corp, Fremont, CA.Development of 2.5Gb/s, 10Gb/s (PIN, oxide VCSEL and novel implant VCSEL) and transferred to production (in-house MOCVD epi). Reliability qualification in HTOL, WHTOL.In charge of 2.5 Gb/s, 10Gb/s GaAs PIN (array) and transfer to production (in-house MOCVD).Set-up broad Area laser process and laser test area (VCSEL).Set-up TOSA and ROSA product inspect area and high speed BERT measurement system.Jointly development of 10Gb/s GaAs and InGaAs PIN with New Focus, Inc. Consultant LuxNet Taiwan
由于字数超过5000发不出,所以接上一条:Senior R&D Engineer, Agilent Technologies, Fiber Optic Communication Divison, San Jose, CA.High speed (2.5Gb/s,10Gb/s) oxide VCSEL (Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser) epi-layer structure design, simulation and reliability/failure studies. Transferred from R&D to production.Qualification of
two AIXTRON-2400G3 MOCVD reactor for VCSEL process-wavelength stability, yield improvement and device reliability.Co-invented a new epi-process procedure to reduce Kink in implant VCSEL (Optical Mouse Engine).Development of InGaAsN:Sb grown on GaAs substrate for long wavelength VCSEL.
Research Assistant, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (Prof. G.E. Stillman (NAE) and M. Feng)Setup and Development of the CBE and GSMBE growth of Carbon doped base InP/InGaAs, InGaP/GaAs HBTs and InGaAs APD detector, InGaAs/InP HFETs with GalnP Schottky contact layer.Studied novel device structures in order to improve electrical performance with fT & 160 GHz and fmax&200GHz for 40Gb/s laser driver, OEIC. Structures included composite collector HBTs, compositionally graded base HBTs.Collaborated with researchers at HP Lab investigating the reliability of InP/InGaAs HBTs with a carbon-doped base grown by MOMBE and GSMBE (Dr. N. Moll of HPL).Development of InP base epi-material for 1.3& 1.55mm InAsP/InP FP laser/modulator and 4.55mm QWIP (quantum well infrared photo-detector)
Research Assistant , Heterostructure Electronics Department Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill, NJ. (Dr. Y.K.Chen - NAE and J.M. Kuo)Optimized the gas switching procedure of MOMBE/GSMBE on AIInP/GaAs, GaInP/GaAs, InP/InGaAs interfaces.MOMBE/GSMBE growth and process of AlGaInP/InGaAs, GaInP/InGaAs pseudomorphic HEMT's.In-situ monitoring of the growth of surface emitting laser and reflective mode MQW modulators
Graduate Assistant, Rutgers UniversityDesigned and fabricated high speed and high contrast ratio GaAs/A1GaAs MQW modulators (collaborated with Army Research Lab, Fort Monmouth, NJ). Awards & Honors:National Science Council of
Taiwan- Dr. Ta-You Wu Award
(2007)The Optical Engineering Society of Taiwan - Yang facility Award (2007)IEEE Photonic Society, Senior Member (2006)OSA, SPIE, IET Fellow (2012)NCTU excellent research award Vice Chairman, IEEE Photonic Society, Taipei Chapter (2009)Associate Editor, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology (2008- )Editor, IEEE JSTQE- special issue on Solid State Lighting (2009)IEEE/OSA CLEO program committee ()OECC program committee – Emerging technology Program co-chairman (2011)OSA MOC conference Program Committee Chair (2010)OSA International conference on Optics and Photonics, Taiwan, Program Committee Chair (2008)SPIE Photonics West program committee ()Included 10th Anniversary Edition of Who's Who in Science and Engineering (2007)Included 26th Anniversary Edition of Who's Who in the World (2009)Included in &Asian Admirable Achievers& vol. 1 (2006)The Optical Engineering Society of Taiwan Technology Award (with ITRI OES) (2006)Organization Committee of IEEE-International Conference of Microwave Photonics (2005)Organization Committee of IEEE-Asia-Pacific Conference of Microwave Photonics (2007)Organization Committee of IEEE-International Conference of Microwave Photonics (2008)Organization Committee of Wide-bandgap Semiconductors, Electrochemical Society meeting Fall meeting ()Organization Committee of State-of–the-Art Program on Compound Semiconductors Electrochemical Society meeting Fall meeting ()Session chair at State-of–the-Art Program on Compound Semiconductors XXXVIII, Electrochemical Society meeting Fall meeting
()Session chair Micro-optics conference (), 2006 Section Chair Optics and Photonics Taiwan2006 Organization Committee of Optics and Photonics Taiwan2008 Program Co-Chair Optics and Photonics Taiwan Selected Patents“METHOD FOR PROMOTING LIGHT EMISSION EFFICIENCY OF LED USING NANORODS STRUCTURE” U.S. patent no. th Nov. 2007 ( with C. H. Chiu, H. W. Huang, S. C. Wang, T. C. Lu).“LIGHT SOURCE WITH REFLECTIVE PATTERN STRUCTURE” US Pat. App
- Filed 16 Dec 2008 (with C. H. Chiu, H. W. Huang, S. C. Wang, T. C. Lu)“NANO-PATTERNED SUBSTRATE AND EPITAXIAL STRUCTURE” US Pat. App
- Filed 29 Jul 2010 - EPISTAR CORPORATION, Sino-American Silicon Products.Inc. ( with C. H. Chiu, H. W. Huang, S. C. Wang, T. C. Lu) Technology Transfer to Epistar Neptune product (N-serious product)“Method for promoting light emission efficiency of LED using Nanstructures” US Pat. App
- Filed 15 Nov 2007 - ( with C. H. Chiu, H. W. Huang, S. C. Wang, T. C. Lu).“Process for fabricating group III nitride based reflectors” R.O.C patent no. I299929, US Pat. App th, Aug. 2008 ( with H. H. Yao, S. C. Wang, G. S. Huang) Key for GaN VCSEL“Process for fabricating group III nitride based reflectors”, Japanese patent no. th, Jan. 2006 ( with H. H. Yao, S. C. Wang, G. S. Huang). Key for GaN VCSEL“ VCSEL Device with improved Modal properties” U.S. patent no. th, Aug. 2006 (with R.P. Schneider, F. Peter, and A. Cheng ) to improve Avago’s VCSEL Modal properties“Vertical-cavity surface emitting laser utilizing a reversed biased diode for improved current confinement” U.S. patent no. 6,680,963, 20th, Jan. 2004 (with A. Liao, C.P. Kuo, G. Hasnain, J.Q. Shi)”Vertical cavity surface emitting laser having improved light output function” U.S. patent no. 6,553,053, 22th, Apr. 2003 (with A. Liao, C.P. Kuo, G. Hasnain, J.Q. Shi) Reliable implanted VCSEL“SURFACE-EMITTING LASER DEVICE” US Pat. App
- Filed 19 Feb 2010, (with C. H. Chiu, H. W. Huang, S. C. Wang, T. C. Lu) Selected Proposals (MOST, NSC)1. 2014高效率(大於200 lm/W)發光二極體光源模組開發2. 2013新穎高效率混合型之奈米粒子光電元件--總計畫暨子計畫一:新穎高效率混合型之奈米粒子光電元件3. 2012具晶圓級封裝技術之高內部量子效率與低效率下降率之氮化鎵發光二極體開發計畫(2/2)4. 2011具晶圓級封裝技術之高內部量子效率與低效率下降率之氮化鎵發光二極體開發計畫(1/2)5. 2009具晶圓級封裝技術之高內部量子效率與低效率下降率之氮化鎵發光二極體開發計畫6. 2011學研合作計畫-新穎奈米技術製作高效率半導體發光元件(3/3)7. 2010學研合作計畫-新穎奈米技術製作高效率半導體發光元件(2/3)8. 2009學研合作計畫-新穎奈米技術製作高效率半導體發光元件(1/3)9. 2009V和W 頻段無線與超寬頻訊號光纖通訊之關鍵元件及技術之研究-子計畫五:以氮化鎵材料及元件應用於次兆赫與兆赫為波光纖通訊10. 2012半極性與非極性氮化鎵之寬能隙材料及光電元件研究-總計畫:半極性與非極性氮化鎵之寬能隙材料及光電元件研究
PhD in Electrical Engineering (Signal Processing for Communications), the University of Edinburgh, UK, 1992.
PhD Thesis: Blind Deconvolution: Techniques and Applications.
MEng in Communications Electronics, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), China, 1988.
BEng in Radio Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), China, 1985.Research Esteem
1. International and Industry Engagements “1000 Talents Programme” Professor, 2010, Southeast University, Nanjing, ChinaBritish Telecom Long Term Honourary Visiting Fellowship: 1/1/2006 – 31/12/2010, BT Group CTO, Ipswich, UK. This is the first ever such fellowship that BT has awarded.UK EPSRC visiting fellowship¨(host: the University of York, UK), two times: 8/2002 – 7/2003 and 8/2006 – 7/2007. For details, see the footnote of this page.Four times receiving British Telecom Short Term Research Fellowship: , 2003, and 2004, BT Group CTO, Ipswich, UK, making me the only academic internationally who has been awarded this fellowship four times.
2. Professional activities and leadershipCoordinator and Lead Technical Programme Chair for the 83rd IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2016-S), 15-18 May 2016, Nanjing, China: IEEE VTC, as the flagship conference of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS), is one of the premier international conferences in the world on wireless communications. VTC 2016-S will be the first ever VTC to be held in mainland China in VTC’s history of more than 60 years.Co-Chair for Symposium on Signal Processing for Communications, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2015), London, UK, June 2015. ICC is one of the two flagship annual conferences of the IEEE Communications Society.General chair for 2006 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2006-S), Melbourne, Australia.With approximately 800 delegates from all over the world, VTC Melbourne proved to be a huge success both in program quality and in finance:- (1) 600 papers were accepted out of 1350 submissions, and (2) a surplus of US$200K was generated. As the general chair, I was instrumental from the initial bidding in May 2002 to the final execution of VTC Melbourne in May 2006. For details, please visit Due to the success of VTC Melbourne, I was awarded a VTC Chair Award by the IEEE VT Society in September 2008 (the awarding ceremony was held at VTC 2009-S, 26-29 April 2009, Barcelona, Spain).Chair for the Track on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), the 18th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2009), 2-6 August 2009, San Francisco, USA ( ).Editor for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication:
(starting from No. 1, Vol. 1).This is now one of the most authoritative learned journals in the world in the area of wireless communications.Associate Editor, Science China - Information Sciences, 1/2013 – present.Lead Guest Editor or Guest Editor for Journal of Communications (2012), Mobile Information Systems(2015), and China Communications (2015).Research and Funding I have been successful in obtaining significant external funding both from governments and industry. Some current and recent projects are listed below. More details are available upon request.1.Principal investigator, “Network Coded Modulation for Next Generation Wireless Access Networks”,EPSRC, BT, Vodafone, and Fujitsu, 2/2014 – 7/2017. ?422K. University partner: University of York.2.Lead Principal investigator, “Low complexity delay-tolerant space-time block coding”, EPSRC and BT, 5/2010 – 10/2013. ?576K. University partner: University of York.3.Principal investigator, “Relay Transmission in Cellular Networks: Its Impact on Energy Efficiency” (in collaboration with Georgia Institute of Technology, USA), the UK Royal Academy of Engineering Global Research Award, 9/2011 – 9/2014, with ?50K from RAEng and ?70K from UoR.4.Project leader, Project 4, “Collaboration and energy efficiency optimisation for hyper cellular networks”, 973 Project “Resource and energy efficient hyper cellular communications Systems (973 GREEN), 1/2012 – 7/2016, RMB 5.76 M, .SEU (Lead) and USTC.5.Project leader, “Green Communications,” Jiangsu Provincial Innovation and Enterprise Programme, 3/5, RMB 1.00M. SEU.6.Project manager, “Small cells: their impact on energy and spectrum efficiency,” BT fellowship, 6/2013– 8/2013. ?6.5K.7.Chief investigator and host, “Interleave division multiple access (IDMA) and distributed MIMO systems”, Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) Distinghuished Visiting Fellowship for Prof Li Ping, July 2010, ?6K.8.EPSRC Visiting Fellowship (with Prof. A.G. Burr, the University of York, UK). Project: “Distributed space-time block coding”, 8/2006 – 7/2007. ?110K. This fellowship project was rated in the final grant assessment as “Research quality: Int Overall assessment: Outstanding”, leading to a new Reading-York-BT EPSRC grant (EP/H). Also see the footnote on Page 1.9.Project leader and key researcher of Project 3.2 of Australian Telecommunications Cooperative Research Centre (ATCRC): Multiple antennas, . AUD$1.6M.10.Project leader, “Chanel allocation for dense wireless LAN deployment,” BT and VU, 2006 – 2009. AUD$98K.TeachingI have taught the following subjects (lectures, tutorials, and labs) at the University of Reading (UoR) or Victoria University (VU):-SE2TE11 Telecommunications: 2nd year UG, Term 2, UoR.EEM14/SEMPC12 Personal and Mobile Communications, MSc, Term 2, UoR.EEM25 Wireless Communications for the Real World, MSc, Term 2, UoR.SEMDC12 Digital Communications, MSc, Term 1, UoREET4001 Signal Processing A: 4th year UG, Semester 1, VU.EET4002 Signal Processing B: 4th year UG, Semester 2, VU.EET3101 Communications Engineering: 3rd year UG, Semester 1, VU.EED4000 Project Design: 4th year UG, Semester 1 and 2, VU.EEG5524 Microwave and Satellites: coursework postgraduates (PG), Semester 2, VU.EEG5523 Digital Signal Processing: coursework PG, Semester 2, VU.EET6531 Wireless Communications Systems: coursework PG, Semester 1, VU.Supervision of Research Students (PhD’s and Masters): Victoria University (Australia) and the University of Reading (UK).Course founder for MSc in Digital Signal Processing and Communications, UoR.Employment History9/2007 – present Professor (Chair) of Signal Processing Chair (2010 – 2014), ICT Research Group,School Director of Internationalisation (2010 - 2014) School of Systems Engineering, the University of Reading Whiteknights, Reading, UK8/2010 – present “1000 Talents Programme” Professor (Adjunct) National Mobile Communications Research Laboratory School of Information Science and Engineering Southeast University (SEU),Nanjing, China1/7: Associate Professor (Communications and Signal Processing),School of Electrical Engineering, Victoria University of Technology (VUT), Melbourne, Australia.1/2006 – continuous Long Term Honourary Fellow, Mobility Research Centre, British Telecom Group CTO, Ipswich, UK.8/2006 – 7/2007 & 8/3: EPSRC Visiting Fellow, the University of York, UK.7/1998 –12/2000: Senior Lecturer (Communications and Signal Processing), Victoria University of Technology (VUT), Melbourne, Australia., 2003 & 2004: Short Term Research Fellow (STRF),British Telecom Labs (now BT Exact Technologies), Ipswich, UK.Project 1998: On the Spectral Efficiency of the TDD mode in UTRA W-CDMA.Project 2000: Impact of Smart Antennas on the Performance of 3rd Generation,Wireless Systems.Project 2003: Multi-Antenna Systems for Wireless LAN: Their Impact on,Network PerformanceProject 2004: The Capacity of Ad Hoc Networks with respect to Some,Practical Factors.8/1998 - 12/1998: Visiting Professor with AT&T Labs - Research, Red Bank, New Jersey, USA. Invited by AT&T Labs – Research.
Project: MUD and smart antenna structures for the FDD mode of UTRA CDMA.5/1995 - 6/1998: Lecturer in Communications and Signal Processing,Victoria University of Technology (VUT), Melbourne, Australia.3/1992 - 4/ 1995: Post doctoral research associate (under Prof S.K. Barton), Bradford University, Bradford, UK.Project: Near-far Resistant Receiver for CDMA
生物系李妍助理教授8个人简介:主要从事人类恶性肿瘤的分子遗传学与表观遗传学研究,研究兴趣集中于寻找与肝癌、食道癌及胃癌发生相关的基因,探讨RNA编辑在肿瘤发生发展中的作用,鉴定肿瘤干细胞及其干性调控机制等几个方面。近五年在SCI收录的国际杂志上发表高水平论文十余篇,包括Nature Medicine、Gastroenterology、Hepatology、Gut等杂志。 工作经历:
博士后研究员 学习经历:2008年-2012年
学士 所获荣誉:2014年
香港大学李嘉诚医学院Dr KP Stephen Chang Gold Medal2012年
中山大学蒲蜇龙学者科学基金奖 代表文章:1.
Jiang L, Kwong DL, Li Y, Liu M, Yuan YF, Li Y, Fu L, Guan XY. HBP21, a chaperone of heat shock protein 70, functions as a tumor suppressor in hepatocellular carcinoma. Carcinogenesis. ):1111-20.2.
Song Y, Pan G, Chen L, Ma S, Zeng T, Chan HM, Li L, Lian Q, Chow R, Cai X, Li Y, Li Y, Liu M, Li Y, Zhu Y, Wong N, Yuan YF, Pei D, Guan XY. Loss of ATOH8 increases stem cell features of hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Gastroenterology. ):1068-81. 3.
Li Y, Chen L, Chan TH, Guan XY. Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Transcriptome diversity regulated by RNA editing. The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology. ):1843-8. 4.
Chen LL*, Li Y*, Chi HL, Liu M, Song YY, Chan TH, Yuan YF, Chow RKK, Fu L, Kong KL, Zhang N, Tong AHY, Kwong DLW, Man K, Lo CM, Lok S, Tenen DG, Guan XY. Recoding RNA editing of antizyme inhibitor 1 predisposes to hepatocellular carcinoma. Nature Medicine. ):209-16. (*:Co-first anthor)5.
Li Y, Chen LL, Chan TH, Liu M, Kong KL, Li Y, Qiu JL, Yuan YF, Guan XY. SPOCK1 is regulated by CHD1L and blocks apoptosis and promotes HCC cell invasiveness and metastasis in mice. Gastroenterology. ):179-191. 6.
Liu M, Li Y, Chen L, Chan TH, Song Y, Fu L, Zeng TT, Dai YD, Zhu YH, Li Y, Chen J, Yuan YF, Guan XY. Allele-specific imbalance of oxidative stress-induced growth inhibitor 1 associates with progression of hepatocellular carcinoma. Gastroenterology. ):1084-96. 7.
Liu L, Dai Y, Chen J, Zeng T, Li Y, Chen L, Zhu YH, Li J, Li Y, Xie D, Yuan YF, Guan XY. Maelstrom promotes hepatocellular carcinoma metastasis by inducing epithelial-mesenchymal transition via Akt/GSK-3β/Snail signaling. Hepatology. ):531-43. 8.
Chan TH, Lin CH, Qi L, Fei J, Li Y, Yong KJ, Liu M, Song Y, Chow RK, Ng VH, Yuan YF, Tenen DG, Guan XY, Chen L. A disrupted RNA editing balance mediated by ADARs in human hepatocellular carcinoma. Gut. ):832-43. 9.
Liu M, Chen LL, Chan TH, Wang J, Li Y, Li Y, Zeng TT, Yuan YF, Guan XY. Serum and glucocorticoid kinase 3 at 8q13.1 promotes cell proliferation and survival in hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatology. 4-65. 10.
Kong KL, Kwong DL, Chan TH, Law SY, Chen L, Li Y, Qin YR, Guan XY. MicroRNA-375 inhibits tumor growth and metastasis in oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma through repressing insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor. Gut. ):33-42. 11.
Li J, Lau GK, Chen L, Dong SS, Lan HY, Huang XR, Li Y, Luk JM, Yuan YF, Guan XY. Interleukin 17A promotes hepatocellular carcinoma metastasis via NF-kB induced matrix metalloproteinases 2 and 9 expression. PLoS One. ):e21816. 12.
Tang DJ, Dong SS, Ma NF, Xie D, Chen LL, Fu L, Lau SH, Li Y, Li Y, Guan XY. Overexpression of EIF5A2 enhances cell motility and promotes tumor metastasis in hepatocellular carcinoma.
Hepatology. ):1255-63.
助理研究员背景资料:现任北京大学讲席教授(千人)。2010年入选美国地质学会会士(Fellow)。自1998年起任职于纽约市立大学于2006年聘为终身教授、为环境与地球科学院主任、长期兼职于美国哥伦比亚大学于2009年聘为高级研究员。 年任联合国儿童基金会驻孟加拉国水及环境卫生项目专员。主要研究方向为环境中元素的生物化学过程及其对人类和生态系统健康的影响。至2014年,共发表以水化学水资源为重点,以交叉学科为特色的86篇SCI论文,包括Nature Geoscience,PNAS,及行内最权威的Environmental Science & Technology,Environmental Health Perspectives,Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,Water Resources Research等。SCI引用2000多次,Google Scholar引用约3800次, h-Index 为30。在联合国任职期间带领约20人的团队将多年的研究成果应用于孟加拉国水资源的管理开发和利用,解决了200万高砷暴露人口的饮水安全问题。现任Journal of Geochemical Exploration、中国科学通报(Chinese Science Bulletin)、中国地质学报(Geologica Sinica Acta)的副主编。2007年,为Environmental Health Perspective客座编辑Arsenic In China 论文集。2012年,为Journal of Geochemical Exploration客座编辑Arsenic, Fluoride and Iodine in Groundwater of China 论文集。2014年,为Science of the Total Environment客座编辑Arsenic in Groundwater of Northeast America论文集。多次作特邀学术报告和发起并组织国际学术会议。程涛:教育:
第二军医大学,获临床医学学士及内科学硕士 工作:
美国 Hipple癌症研究中心访问学者
北京协和医学院血液内科学“教育部长江学者计划”特聘教授,中国医学科学院血液学研究所血液病医院常务副所院长,实验血液学国家重点实验室主任,中国医学科学院干细胞医学中心主任。 研究领域程涛教授主要从事血液学及干细胞生物学方面的研究,尤其在干细胞细胞周期调控研究方面做出了一系列原创性工作。从细胞周期抑制角度,揭示了成体干细胞静息状态、效能、自我更新、分化、衰老、恶性转化以及重编程的部分分子基础。曾以第一、通讯或合作作者在中外著名刊物(包括Science、 Nature、 Nature Cell Biology、 Nature Medicine、Nature Genetics、PNAS、JEM、Blood等)发表论文50余篇(第一/通讯作者论文21篇),平均影响因子大于10。论文被引用2272次(其中第一/通讯作者文章被引1110次)。程涛教授的研究工作曾60余次在国内外学术会议、著名学府和研究机构报告,因而使其研究组成为在干细胞特别是细胞周期研究方面具有国际影响的一支团队,作为项目负责人曾获美国国立卫生院等基金组织多项课题长期资助,累计批准总经费达5百万美元以上。程涛教授曾主持美国血液学年会分会以及其它国内外学术会议。受邀撰写6篇干细胞研究专题综述,参加国际权威干细胞丛书(Stem Cell Handbook、Essentials of Stem Cell Biology等)的编写,为多种国际期刊(包括Science、 Nature、 Nature Medicine、 Nature Methods、Gene & Development、PNAS、Blood、Stem Cells等)以及国际会议(ISSCR and ASH等)审稿。与Robert Lanza、Toshio Suda、Armand Keating等国际知名干细胞学者等作为大会共同主席,举办系列国际干细胞论坛,产生较好国际影响。20余次参加美国国立卫生院、中国国家自然科学基金委、科技部和其它多类中外研究基金评审。特邀为“Gene Therapy”和“International Journal of Hematology”国际杂志主编干细胞专刊 ()。现担任造血与白血病研究主要核心国际刊物“Blood”、“Leukemia”、“Experiemetal Hematology”、“Journal of Hematology and Oncology”以及“International Journal of Hematology”等国际杂志编委,任5个国际科技协会会员。获奖和荣誉美国血液学会青年学者奖美国白血病与淋巴瘤协会学者奖CMB杰出教授奖获得者国家杰出青年基金获得者中国医学科学院北京协和医学院“长江学者”特聘教授国家千人计划特聘教授教育部创新团队学术带头人仇旻:个人简介仇旻教授1995年获得浙江大学物理学士,1999年获得浙江大学凝聚态物理博士,2001年获得瑞典皇家工学院电磁理论工学博士。2001年被聘为瑞典皇家工学院微电子及应用物理系助理教授,2005年晋升为副教授,2009年晋升为正教授。2010年入选第四批国家千人计划,现担任浙江大学现代光学仪器国家重点实验室主任,浙江大学光电学院微纳光子学研究所所长,教授。仇旻教授主持研发多项新型微纳器件的制造工艺、微纳光电子器件设计、人工电磁光学材料项目。已在国际杂志上发表论文共计140余篇,SCI论文他引总计超过2500次,仇旻教授的H指数(h index)至2011年8月为31。在国际会议上多次做邀请报告,并多次作为国际会议技术委员会成员,如2009年国际电子工程协会(IEEE)光电子分会(LEOS)2009年冬季专题会议纳米光电子分会共同主席, 2011年OSA Nanophotonics专题会议共同主席等。仇旻教授领导的集成与微纳光子学课题组详细介绍:工作研究领域集成光电子学、微纳米光子学, 微纳制造与加工技术
院士陈十一 刘科 Dinshaw J. Patel 俞大鹏 4人千人计划 陈十一 夏志宏 张绪穆 刘崇炫 郑春苗 赵予生 章典 王海江 孙小卫 刘重阳 吴传跃 徐保民 朱宝亭 单肖文 李辉 融亦鸣 王学峰 王湘麟 徐强 陈炜 张仲寅 韩品连 张幼宽 刘科 陈忠仁郑智平Vinayak P Dravid 李才恒 姚新 程涛 郑焰 仇旻 32人长江学者 陈十一 夏志宏 张绪穆 汤涛 陈永顺 吴传跃 何佳 张仲寅 郭红卫 姚新 俞大鹏 程涛12人国家杰青 陈十一 夏志宏 张绪穆 李海龙 陈永顺 汤涛 郭红卫 姚新 程涛 俞大鹏 10人
数学系曹敏教授研究领域数理统计,非参数统计理论,统计应用教育背景1991 - 1995 博士 加拿大西蒙弗雷泽大学 统计学1987 - 1990 硕士 加拿大西蒙弗雷泽大学 数值分析1981 - 1985 本科 兰州大学 计算数学工作经历2006 - 2015 教授 加拿大维多利亚大学2001 - 2006 副教授 加拿大维多利亚大学1996 - 2001 助理教授 加拿大维多利亚大学
公共基础课部孙颜副教授孙颜 日出生,汉族,中共党员,1993年毕业与吉林体育学院,同年7月来到吉林大学工作,2000年7月获得东北师范大学教育学硕士学位,2016年2月到南方科技大学体育中心,从事高校公共体育课教学19年,担任过足球、篮球、排球、武术、游泳、轮滑、滑冰课的教学任务,在北京体育大学学报、沈阳体育学院学报、体育文化导刊等体育类核心刊物发表论文近十篇,以第一主编发表著作一本;滑雪国家级裁判,参加过中华人民共和国第八、九、十届冬运会和第六届亚冬会的裁判工作;足球国家级裁判,执法过中国足球甲级联赛,现任中国足协裁判长、裁判监督;中国足协B级教练员资质,获得11次市级比赛冠军,一次省运会足球比赛冠军,现任中国足协校园足球讲师。
物理系俞大鹏讲座教授0第二科研楼203简介:  俞大鹏,男,日出生于宁夏中卫。2000年获得国家杰出青年科学基金;2002年获得教育部“长江学者”特聘教授;2005年获得教育部长江学者与创新团队计划--“准一维纳米结构与低维物理”项目支持;2015年当选为中国科学院技术学部院士。 学习经历:2.07:上海华东理工大学, 学士;5.07:中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所,硕士;3.10:法国南巴黎大学(Orsay)固体物理实验室,博士; 工作经历:5.07:中国科学院电子显微镜实验室,博士后;9.07:北京大学物理系,副教授;6.06:北京大学
物理学院,教授;6.06:北京“量子物质科学”协同创新研究中心特聘研究员;2016.06~至今:南方科技大学 物理系,讲座教授。 荣誉与奖励:2000年:获得国家杰出青年科学基金支持;2002年:教育部“长江学者”特聘教授;2004年:教育部“自然科学”一等奖;2005年:教育部“长江学者与创新团队”计划学术带头人;2007年:国家“自然科学”二等奖(天文与物理学科第一名);2015年:当选中国科学院技术学部院士;2016年:获得中国真空学会最高奖。 研究方向:·纳米结构与低维物理:量子材料与量子输运·基于“固体纳米孔显微镜”的生物单分子检测与测序;·重大科学仪器研发与产业化。 学术贡献:   俞大鹏院士长期从事纳米线材料中关键基础科学问题的研究,为我国纳米线材料科学研究进入国际先进行列做出了重大贡献:(1)、率先发展了催化剂引导下的 纳米线可控制备技术并制备了硅和金属氧化物纳米线材料, 解决了规模、可控制备纳米线材料的难题,开启了国际半导体纳米线研究的新纪元;(2)、深入揭示了纳米线材料特有的系列与尺寸和表面密切相关的光电和力电 耦合等新颖物理现象;(3)、系统发掘了纳米线材料的若干重大应用特性如场发射性质等,发现了若干重要的纳米线器件效应,发明了一系列纳米加工与精确操控技术,申请国家发明专利20余项(含多项国际PCT专利),引领了半导体纳米线材料的应用基础研究。   基于所取得的研究成果,俞大鹏院士共计发表300余篇论文,含Nature Nanotechnology、Nature Communications、Physical Review Letters/B、Applied Physics Letters、Advanced Materials、Nano Letters等顶级专业刊物论文100余篇,被同行参考他引一万余次,h因子为68。俞大鹏院士曾以第一完成人获得了2004年度教育部提名自然科学一等奖和2007年获国家自然科学二等奖。在世界著名出版公司Elsevier发布的年度在全球具有重要学术影响力的中国高被引学者 (Most Cited Chinese Researchers)榜单中,俞大鹏院士连续进入“物理与天文学科”前三名。   俞大鹏院士培养了一批优秀人才,部分毕业生在包括北京大学、清华大学、中国科技大学、南京大学、中国科学院、美国哥伦比亚大学、MIT、UCSD等名校 任 教;被评选为第二届北京大学研究生“十佳导师”荣誉称号。俞大鹏院士还担任《Science China. Materials》副主编等国内外学术刊物编委;他还兼任中国物理学会理事、中国真空学会理事等职务。
生物医学工程系郭向东讲座教授代理系主任6Dr. Guo received his B.S. from the Department of Mechanics at Peking University in 1984, M.S. in 1990 and Ph.D. in 1994 in Medical Engineering and Medical Physics from Harvard University-MIT.
In , Professor Guo did his postdoctoral fellowship in the Orthopaedic Research Laboratories at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor with Professor Steven A. Goldstein in orthopaedic bioengineering.
In 1996 he joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering and then Department of Biomedical Engineering at Columbia University as an Assistant Professor.
He was promoted to Associate Professor in 2001 and Associate Professor with tenure in 2003, and Professor in 2007.
He directs the Bone Bioengineering Laboratory in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Columbia focusing his research interests in micromechanics of bone tissue, computational biomechanics, and mechanobiology of bone.
His past honors include Young Investigator Recognition Award from the Orthopaedic Research Society, National Research Service Award from the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), a CAREER award from the US National Foundation of Science (NSF), Funds for Talented Professionals (Joint Research Fund for Overseas Chinese Young Scholars) from the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
He was elected as a fellow to the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering.
He was one of the founders and served as co-Editor-in-Chief of Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering (CMBE), an international journal of US Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES).
He has served many review panels for NIH, NSF, and NASA.
His research has been supported by the Whitaker Foundation, the US NSF, and the NIH. He served as President of International Chinese Musculoskeletal Research Society, the Society for Physical Regulation in Biology and Medicine, Member of Board of Directors of Orthopaedic Research Society, and Member of Board of Directors of American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering.
He also founded the Special Interest Group (SIG) in CMBE in the BMES and served as its founding Chair.


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